Thursday, June 5, 2008


Lordy, there have been some crazy storms around here lately. And apparently, they are conveniently spaced out to occur every 4th day for our shift of work. It was crazy, and I can't even claim to have been in the middle of all of it. To be honest, for the first storm, I was sleeping and the sound of a freight train trying to break thru the window woke me up. I went out into the other room just to see a gray-green sky outside. I figured it was going to be horrible, but in my little corner of the world it wasn't too bad. Elsewhere it was a mess. Lights were out, power was out, trees and wires were down, houses ended up on fire. Ugh, yucky day to be at work. A tornado went by just down the street from Christy's house, which I'm glad it didn't mess up her new house, but I am a little upset that I didn't get to see her gimp ass do a half run/walk/slide down to her basement. Brian called to check on her yesterday and she told him the story of how she tried to get down to the basement when she heard the storm approaching. Brian said the way he figures, she got down there just in time for the storm to be over. I heard another co-worker lost the roof to his house in the same area. That sucks. I remember being in College Park (Univ. of MD campus) when the F3 tornado went through just after 9/11. That was the craziest thing I ever saw. I can't imagine be subjected to that all the time like they are out west. Anyway, today the weather is supposed to calm down but the heat is on. Yep, the typical metro DC "hazy, hot, humid with a chance of afternoon thunderstorms" starts today. I hate this weather. When I retire, I'm moving far away from it. Not sure where, but far away from humidity.

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