Thursday, June 12, 2008

Not today.

Brandon's not coming home today. Instead, he's getting a PICC line inserted tomorrow AM so when he finally goes home he can continue IV antibiotics. In a way I'm grateful he's staying one more day. I didn't really think he was ready to go home yet. And I'm glad they are continuing him on IV antibiotics. I just hope when he gets home he doesn't try to do too much too fast, at least initially.

As for me, I'm still sick, but I think doing a better. I'm not coughing much, but I still sound like I swallowed a stuffy frog. Brian just texted me saying he's staying the night at the hospital again. I was hopeful he'd be home for the night. I miss him. But, I understand his son comes first, as he should, and I have to accept that. He's going to want me to go to the hospital tonight. I haven't decided what I'm going to do about that. My doctor said its okay for me to go being I'm on antibiotics, as is Brandon. I just have to treat my symptoms now with some Sudafed and cough medicine. I'm just getting tired of driving two cars down all the time. The ride to the hospital is about 1 hr 10 min away --- just far enough to get on your nerves. Brian said he's coming home for a bit once Brandon's mom shows up at the hospital. I'll see how I feel about stuff later on today. As for now, I'm trying to get caught up with all the house stuff. I never knew we had as many clothes as we have piled up in the laundry room. What I would do to have a maid walk in my front door right now.

I'm journaling my food. It sucks over the past day or two, because since I'm alone most of the time and sort of stuck in the house all I want to do is eat. I don't have a whole lot of energy to start cooking meals, so I'm grabbing things that aren't so WW friendly. I traded in the oh so delicious sausage egg and cheese biscuit with hash browns from yesterday AM for a bowl of Golden Grahams. At least I'm ahead of the game so far today. Hopefully the trend will continue.
I have to keep remembering my weigh in is on Tuesday and I want to see some progress from two weeks ago.

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