Thursday, April 29, 2010

Walk with me

I joked around with my neighbor, Jessica, the other day how we should walk around the circle instead of sitting on our butts watching the kids play. This afternoon, I was out with Remi when she pulled in her parking spot. She yelled out to me, "you ready to walk?" It caught me off guard. I thought it was like all those "other" conversations where you say you'll do things but you never really follow through. You know, like "I swear, we'll meet up for lunch," or, "yeah, sure, I'll help you move...."

So, Jessica went in to change her clothes and then we walked for God knows how long. I have no idea how long it was, but it was fun. We talked the whole time, actually extending the walk just to finish a conversation. We walked over 1.2 miles when all was said and done. It wasn't a speed walk. Jessica is more out of shape than me and is a smoker. Actually, while I was eating a pear when the walk started she was smoking. I'm not really going to put my two cents in about smoking, because I was a smoker myself in a previous life. Everyone who smokes knows they should stop. I was happy she was walking, so I wasn't going to get in her shit about her smoking. She was out of breath after getting to the top of the hill, but she did well. We walked at her pace and like I said we did six laps. Ten laps is our next goal, which would be two miles. I don't think that will take very long to achieve.

Now, it didn't help that after our her family and I sat outside and had a few drinks enjoying the weather while watching the kids play. But, at least there was activity done and based on her attitude, I think it will continue. I think I need her for this part of my life just as she may need my help in aspects of her life. Not having a lot of "friends" I'm actually very much enjoying spending time together.

1 comment:

Ch4ndr4 said...

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