Monday, March 8, 2010

Someone call a doctor...

because it is Pizza Monday--the greatest self made holiday of them all--and I am eating one, yes one, slice of pizza. Did I mention only ONE?

Today's "morning after my getting off my shift" was less than typical. I had to sleep in because I was so tired I wanted to be sure I could drive home. (Bedtime for me was 530am.) I stopped at the hospital to visit someone I knew. I made all kinds of stops along the way home, the final being at this Italian place I used to eat at all the time when I was in medic school. My cell phone confirmed it was in fact Monday and since lunchtime was rolling around it was imperative that I follow Pizza Monday protocol and, well, eat pizza. I got in the restaurant and looked at the menu and ****SHOCKER*** I didn't want pizza! I know. I checked myself for a fever. I chalked it up to lack of sleep and delirium. What did I want, you may ask? A salad. I should have been a direct admit to the ICU right then and there.

Yep. A salad. And that's what I had. It may not have been the most healthy salad in the world as it was a chicken Caesar salad, but it was a salad nonetheless. I paired it up with bruschetta as I was craving tomatoes with olive oil and I don't really even like tomatoes. Then, to be safe, I ordered a slice of go. I mean it would still be Monday for another 12 hours and I didn't want to get kicked out of the Pizza Monday fan club (even though I'm creator, President, and in charge of membership).

So, I FULLY enjoyed my salad and my bruschetta and on the way out the door, once comfortably full, I picked up my ONE slice of pizza to go. I napped the afternoon away, woke up around 630pm and now I'm enjoying my delicious slice of pizza. I think knowing there are no more slices to follow it up with, I'm actually savoring it. Or I've completely lost my mind and someone needs to save me.


Anonymous said...

Wow a salad is a great choice over pizza and sometimes a little slice at home later is better enjoyed. Now I regret eatting my pizza infused omelette. Maybe I should have a salad for dinner :)

Tricia said...

:) I make sure to include pizza in my weekly intake as well.

Sandro Quintana - Andarilho® said...

Hello Sarah,
Found your blog clicking on the "next blog" feature, and just want to say to you to keep up! I myself have won 78 pounds in one year (today is my dietbirthday. hehe). I said "I have won" because it's a war we fight everyday against our weight, our old habits, and the habits of those around us, so seems to me more appropriate which "I lost weight".
Bit by bit, we changes our eating and activities habits and discover a new "me" inside ourselves. Good luck to meet your "new me" and keep up!
Cheers, Sandro Quintana

Sarah said...

Thanks for the comments! I'm so excited to have new people following the blog. When I started I followed so many blogs that kept me motivated. Slowly but surely as those people reached their goals, they stopped blogging and my "mini" support system dwindled to almost nothing. I'm so happy to have find its building back up again. There's nothing like going through this war, like Sandro called it, with people who've been there, done that! :)

Anonymous said...

I know totally how you feel, I struggled for a year and a half before I resolved to try medication. All I can say is that taking the anti-depressants for 3 months really helped to reset the negative flow and give my tired brain a rest. Keep it up, persaverence is the key.

Gina said...

I also found your blog by hitting "next blog" and found your blogs very refreshing. I too am on a qwest to lose weight. So far...40 lbs down and just finished a bit of a hiatus or break where I gained back 9 but plugging away. I just wanted to say that I appreciate your blog. I am totally new to blogging so no one has even run across mine yet LOL. I look forward to seeing what you write in the future!! Keep up the great work!