Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I stood up for myself today

Its day three and I'm doing great. I swear everyday I feel just a little bit more confident in myself. I can even joke about the pants drama from last Friday. The more I told the story at work yesterday, the more I learned I'm not the only one out there like this. People I thought were lazy and didn't wear their uniform shirts because they were being stubborn really can't fit their second shirt into their pants so they just wear the T shirt. Guys were telling me how they are embarrassed to go up another size in pants. Its not just me. I'm not the only fattie around here. I'm just one of the fatties that are ready to do something about it.

Sitting in traffic on the Parkway, I texted Brian telling him what I wanted ordered for breakfast: an omlette with eggbeaters, cheese and onion. Apparently the restaurant didn't have eggbeaters, but had egg whites. Brian didn't think I wanted egg whites so he had them make the omlette with regular eggs. I'm glad he told me about it but it really screwed up my planning for breakfast. I was looking forward to eating an entire omlette for 8 points, but now I couldn't. Some sarcastic remarks were made by me but it wasn't til I got out in the parking lot where I stood up for myself. I told Brian I know he was truly thinking of me when made that decision, but he's not thinking of me in the way I have been asking him to. I need support in this battle. That means an extra call or text may have to be made to confirm a food order before its placed. The difference between an omlette with eggbeaters (or whites) and the omlette without was 5 points. That is a big deal. I told him, and was serious, that I'm able to do a lot on my own, but if he's not going to be supportive in certain aspects of this battle I'm going to have to cut him out of it.

I wasn't trying to be moody or a shit stirrer, but if I'm going to go eat somewhere and things are going to be ordered that are covered in sugar and lard, or whatever, then I'm going to have to avoid those events for my sake. I don't have a lot of will power. But I am determined to FINALLY be successful. I've stood up for a lot of people and beliefs even when they were unpopular. Now, I'm just looking for the same in return. I don't expect people to bend over backwards and have every meal made be a WW one, but at the same time, I do expect a little bit of supportive thought when possible. Although it caused a little tension between us, I'm glad I stood up for myself. Two weeks ago I would have eaten the entire omlette and potatoes and think there's always tomorrow where I can start over.

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