Thursday, March 4, 2010

I can't afford to be healthy

How sad is that? I honestly can't afford to eat the organic foods Elizabeth suggested. I spent $100 the other day at the store and that only got me two or three bags of food, and nothing substantial at that. Although I may not be able to afford to follow her plan to a T or see her every two weeks as she'd like, I'm glad I learned what I should be eating and when. In the past week my snacks have changed dramatically. I've learned what works and what doesn't. I'm eating fruit like its going out of style. So, I'm going to follow her basic rules, eat clean when I can, and see how it goes.


Anonymous said...

Its so hard isn't it?! I'm trying to lose weight at the moment too, but all the really good nutritious foods are so expensive. I've found some ways to get around it though. I make my own muesli, and use organic products where possible, it's a high initial outlay, but it makes sooooo much it lasts for ages.

Good luck! You seem to be doing well.

Amy Anderson said...

You know, it could make just as big an impact to focus on just eating whole foods (rather than processed) if you can't afford all organic. That's what we've been trying to do. I've made my own pasta sauce, bread, etc. in hopes of avoiding all the needless chemicals that go into processed foods.

Sarah said...

I just got off the phone with Laura and we were discussing the same thing. I've very much increased my "natural" food stuff like veggies and fruit and my processed items are almost non-existant. She said the same thing as you for milk....she started buying the organic milk after she saw an episode of Dr. Oz about organic foods. she's the 4th person to say something about that show...I'll have to hulu it or something and see what he has to say.