Saturday, March 20, 2010

A setback.

I had a breakdown last night. I couldn't get my uniform pants to hook shut. Then when I finally did get them shut, the hook literally went flying off around 3am in the bathroom when I bent over to tie my shoe. By that point I needed that laugh. Thank God no one was standing in front of me.

Brian and Missy helped me through it all last night, but I still feel like crap today. Missy told me it is just a setback and gives me more reason to push forward. I do believe her. I just wish that within these stupid two years, I could see some progress. I wish my stupid head would stop messing with me too. I obviously don't have the highest self-esteem right now so things like not being able to button my pants aren't setting real well with me.

I'm going to walk the dog around the circle and clear my head. Maybe that's what I need.


Anonymous said...

Oh I have SO HAD THAT HAPPEN and it was NOT while I was alone in a restroom. Just know that climbing that hill will be hard but once you get to the top the view will be amazing. I know you can do it! We are rooting for you.

P.s. I made cookies yesterday, SO BAD of me :(

Debbie said...

Trust what everyone has told you. You are NOT alone in uniform issues.