Monday, March 22, 2010

Rainy day thoughts

I went to a much needed WW meeting this AM. I tell myself I don't need it but seeing as I gained 10 pounds since I last attended January 7th, it appears I do need to be there. This past month I learned LOTS about myself and my needs.

1. I need to be held accountable. I have to write my food down, unfortunately.
2. I need to get active. (I did some sort of activity all but two days out of the last 10.)
3. Missy's right. I need to try new things.
4. I need to get organized.
5. I need to get my body on a routine/schedule. Being lazy on my three days off is only hurting me.
6. Processed food is not my friend.
7. I can hide vegetables in my meals and I don't have to put cheese on or in every meal.
8. When I go to a restaurant I need to eat 1/4 or 1/2 of what I was eating.
9. I need 8 hours of sleep.
10. I need to focus on me and that means saying no to others sometimes.
11. I have finally realized I will have bad days and that is okay.
12. Success does not happen overnight.

I addressed #3 today (sort of). I bought roller blades. I've been looking at them forever. The only problem is I have no idea how to use them. :)


marie said...

I think number 10 should be number 1

Sarah said...

I think you're right!

Anonymous said...

Way to go I love this new list. Seriously try the that is how I count my calories and I love it! And I agree number 10 is the MOST important.