Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Well, this is awkward."

A neighbor I don't know that well was out front the other day while all the kids were playing. I was getting ready to run out to the store when she stopped me and said, "I saw your picture in the paper. Good for you." Hmm.

"I didn't know my picture was in the paper," was my reply.

"Sure you do. In the Gazette for the weight loss challenge. Good for you."

Ok then. "Ummm, I'm not in a weight loss challenge."

"Yeah, I saw your picture. You're the one that has her hair back in the band...well, like it is right now."

"Nope. Nope. Not me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Definitely sure."

Obviously embarrassed she said, "Oh. Well, this is awkward. I just told you that I think its good you're losing weight....I mean you don't have to...."

"Its okay..." and explained my situation and clarified I most definitely was not involved in any weight loss challenge.

As for my look-a-like weight loss buddy. We don't look anything alike -- the only common feature, I think, was the headband.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uggggg that sounds awkward like the time I had to explain the fact to a weird Iranian woman at the grocery who came up and started rubbing my belly and asking weather I was having a boy or a girl that I was just fat and not pregnant!