Thursday, December 18, 2008


The colonoscopy went well. The worse of it was the mild allergic reaction/sensitivity I had in the recovery room to the pain medicine I was given. That was easily fixed with some Benadryl, though.

The doctor said he didn't find anything he suspected as cancerous or any polyps to remove. He did, though, find a small ulcer that he biopsied just in case. The doctor thinks it may be irritation from all the prepping yesterday. He doesn't think that has anything to do with what's been causing my belly problems. Apparently, my intestines are a bit more windy than normal, but that also should not be causing the problems, either.

That said, the doctor still doesn't know why I'm having pain and bowel issues. My blood work (with the exception of one celiac test) and my CT scan came back normal. I don't have Crohn's, diverticulitis/diverticulosis, etc. Monday, I'm going on a new medicine to see if that helps move things along, so to speak.The hope is it will increase motility and decrease the pain I keep having. I have to get another test done to see if I have some sort of bacteria in my small intestines which could be causing all of my problems. The good news is, if I have that bacteria it can be cleared up with two weeks worth of antibiotic and I'll be back to normal. I'm gonna be pissed (but happy!) if that's the case. Over a years worth of belly-aching and it could have been fixed with an antibiotic in two weeks.

I'm very much relieved the test is over and the primary cancer concerns have been ruled out. Everything else seems so minor now. I'm confident its only a matter of time til the doctor fixes me and I can be back to normal again.

After not eating for 1 1/2 days, Brian took me out for a breakfast date at Miss Shirley's. Cinnamon roll pancakes ended up on my plate and they were phenomenal. Not being able to eat real food for 1 1/2 days was a real eye opener. When I started to feel hungry, I found something else to do or drank water or Gatorade primarily because I had no other choice. I got through my "withdrawals" or whatever you want to call them just fine. With a little work, I plan on keeping that mentality, drink something when I think I'm hungry, and have another loss week like last.

1 comment:

Christy said...

:-) glad everything went well