Monday, November 30, 2009


after years of going to doctors and getting blood drawn and tests of all sorts done, I have been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Its one of those things I figured I had for years, but supposedly every test came back normal. The weird thing is the only person who took me kind of seriously has been my dermatologist when I saw him for acne and hair growth issues. He diagnosed it based on bloodwork today. He said although the actual levels are fairly normal, the ratio between two of them (I can't remember which two) is greater than 3:1 which is typical of PCOS. It explains lots: infertility, constant bleeding, ovarian cysts, weight gain, hair in places it shouldn't be, acne....

I asked the treatment and he said he has already been treating it with my BCP and Aldactone. Honestly, other than the weight gain (which I have to work on losing) most of my other symptoms have subsided. He up'd my dose of ALdactone and said I'll be back to normal in no time. Huh...normal. Its been over a decade!! :0)

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