Saturday, November 21, 2009

Oh, nuts.

I made the mistake of buying nuts the other day and I think I may be overdoing it now. At the time they seemed like a perfectly healthy snack, but my little handfuls all add up. I was searching different foods and came across some nut that is 21 points for 1 cup. OMG thats crazy! Not that I think I ate a cups worth, but I'm sure there are days where I am definitely taking in more than I should be. I love me some mixed nuts, but I'm starting to think I may have to ban them from the house :(


Christy said...

Try almonds (plain, unsalted). It takes like 26 to equal a serving. Eat them slow, one at a time and they will fill you up. They are high in fiber and protein. Small amount of fat, including some "good fat" (monounsaturated). The one serving is about 160 calories. I keep a can in my car to snack on when I have to drive home before I can eat and it really helps keep me from feeling ravenous and eating junk when I walk in the door at home. And I'm usually full after only about a dozen of them.

Sarah said...

I bought 100 cal packs of almonds so I won't overeat them. They worked today. I just have to remember to keep some in the car and in my purse.