Tuesday, March 18, 2008

NYC, here we come!!!

I know where our next trip (well, the one after the cruise) is going to be. NYC, here we come! Why, may you ask? Well, its simple. I'm on a mission to meet Scott and have him take me on a tour. Oh, I thought Chicago was awesome, this is going to just straight kick ass!!

Oh, but, it gets better. There are TWO tours!! I can barely contain myself!!!


Anonymous said...

Good thing the pizza tour is AFTER the cruise!

marie said...

omigawd - i love NYC.
So jealous.

Unknown said...

You crack me up! NYC is too windy and cold for me......I hate cold, even remote cold - yuck!

Thanks for stopping by and offering your support on my crummy day. What you said meant a lot to me because I too am raising a step child and really having to juggle my overpowering maternal instinct without overstepping my boundaries. Don't get me wrong, I do everything for our son but his bio mom does still see him and put her presence out there so it just makes for a sticky situation at times. I'm like you in the respect that I feel so blessed to have such an awesome stepson......just remember that our "kids" are pretty lucky to have us too!!

Thanks again - your comment really helped me not feel so alone.....you know weight loss was and is something that I can control......this crap is totally out of my hands and that is bad for a control freak like me!!