Monday, January 14, 2008

To be the old guy....

that was sitting next to me at Chick-Fil-A. I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off when all of a sudden I realized I'm starving. Then I start to freak out a little because "OMG! I'm starving and I'm on WW and I'm going to screw it up." So I take a lap around the food court realizing I'm going to be bad and then really regret it. So I walk down the hall, realizing what I really want was Cinnabon that smells oh so delicious when I run into Chick-Fil-A. I stand in line and have a mini fight with myself about what I'm about to order. I really wanted fries and chicken nuggets but my WW inner self "BE GOOD!" Inner self won when I heard "I'll have a salad and Diet Coke" come out of my mouth. What?! That's not what you want. Ugh! So, the nice lady behind the counter says "its caffeine free." Well, hell, I'm not indulging in anything tasty so I need caffeine so we make the switch to a Diet Dr. Pepper. Eventually I take my stupid salad (w/ fat free dressing) to my table and continue to argue with myself in my head about how this is NOT what I want to eat. (Any of you that have spent time with me around meals know exactly what I'm talking about.) I eat it all up, only using half the croutons, dressing and sunflower seeds. I drink up my drink to sit back and curse the WW people. Yes, they're right. I'm no longer hungry. I didn't need the fries or any deep fried deliciousness or ooey gooey cinnamon rolls. So just when I start to get over my withdrawal of junk food this cute little older than dirt man shuffles in. And he stands in line and orders, pays the girl who in return hands him an ice cream cone full of the most beautiful twist of soft serv I've ever seen. And he turns to me and smiles. At least I think he smiled. I don't think he had teeth (Ew.) so that might have just been the way his gummy lips go (ew again....side note I hope I have my teeth forever.) And then he sat there and ate up his what looked to be delicious ice cream. He had that face Bella gets when you hand her anything with chocolate. I could have that face too with something wonderful from Cinnabon. But no. I had salad with only half the fixins. Because I love (sarcasm) WW. Oh, to be the old guy.......

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