Monday, January 28, 2008

And, I did.

I did it. But not without a fight. I went as far as starting to gather trash. How pathetic is it that I'd rather gather up the trash then exercise? Midway through my chore, I remembered my post. I really shouldn't post tired, because I do things like post "I'm going to exercise tonight." So, I moved the coffee table, found something I could tolerate on On Demand Exercise TV and I started. Three minutes in, I liked it. That always happens. Why do we talk ourselves out of exercising when we really don't mind it? Since I haven't done much in a while (last time was well before XMas) I decided to start off easy. I did a Leslie Sansone 1 mile walk. When I finished that 15 minute workout, I was all sorts of motivated so I did 10 minutes of a Firm Cardio routine. I couldn't do much more. Not that I was physically unable to, I just am sooooo uncoordinated it was driving me nuts. I don't know if On Demand cuts the routines to make them fit in 20 minute segments or something....10 minutes into the routine it suddenly switched to stuff we weren't doing seconds before. I was so confused. I figured I did 30 minutes of stuff, that was enough for one night.

My basement is back in shambles with all of our little projects, but once everything is in order, I think I'll have to get a cable box down there so I can do more On Demand workouts. There's tons to choose from. I need the cable box in the basement because unless I'm the only one home, I have to do them somewhere where no one can see me. I get too embarrassed because I'm so uncoordinated. I won't even let Brian in the room. Although, I saw they had all kinds of TaeBo workouts listed...maybe I'll let him down there for that--I think I heard him say once he wanted to try TaeBo. He can't be any worse than me :)

Bella and Brandon snuck down one time while I was doing a DVD---I didn't want to yell at them to go back upstairs because they wouldn't understand why I was kicking them outof the room. Actually, the two of them ended up being pretty good motivators. Brandon got up a few times and tried to do the workout with me. The rest of the time they sat in their chairs would say, "Sarah you're doing really good." Obviously they weren't watching me and skinny mini instructor at the same time. We weren't doing remotely the same steps. And skinny mini was smiling, dry and talking. I was sweaty, saying words I hope kids didn't hear---they probably didn't hear them because I could only speak one word sentences. Yet again, another reason I pray Baxter never learns to talk. He could probably tell some interesting workout stories.


Caroline said...

I thought I would hate having anyone watch me workout at home, but I've found that sometimes people can be really encouraging. And even though I want to kill Chris sometimes for his comments, he can see if I'm doing something wrong when I can't, so it can be helpful. Don't you just LOVE accountability? I'm the same way where I'll come here and post if I really need to do something, cause then I HAVE to do it!

Sarah said...

I hear you. The kids can stay down with me but Brian can't. He'll make fun of me. He makes fun of WW "leaders" because he has a sick sense of humor it reminds him of an episode of the Simpsons. So I have to choose a word other than leader whenever I talk about a meeting.