Friday, January 18, 2008

I snatched this

I got this from Diet Coke and Zingers who got it from Mousearoo....I felt free to snatch it, you do the same...

1. What do you absolutely love about your body?

My curves. Even though I hate them, at the same time. I just wish they were a little smaller and maybe toner in certain places so pants shopping wasn't such a pain in the you know what.

2. When did you surprise yourself with your physical strength?
I was always pretty athletic but I remember wrestling a guy in high school who wasn't exactly a wimp and he said I put up a good fight. Brian and I will joke around and psuedo wrestle and he tells me I'm pretty strong. Maybe he's just saying that to make me feel good but I think I'm pretty strong. Plus you should see some of the people I help lift up at work. :)

3. When were you braver than you ever thought you could be?
I don't think I'm brave. On the same token, I've been in a lot of situations at work that I'm pretty sure people would never put themselves others may think thats brave. Lets put it this way....I'm more brave to go someplace to take care of someone shot while someone is still on scene shooting a gun then I am to wear a bikini without trying to cover up at a pool.

4. When did your self-control blow you away?
In 2001 when I lost weight in my first round of WW. There was a period of time where while working weekend nights in an ER, I never ever ordered any type of bad carryout when everyone else was. That was a big deal for me. During that time, I never had a "gain" week. Now, if I could just completely get that self control back :)

5. What is your proudest moment ever?
Around the time of my seperation/divorce when I realized just how strong and independent I was.

6. When was the last time you felt absolutely beautiful?
Yeah, thats a major issue for me. I don't really feel beautiful. Brian tells me I am all the time. I'm pretty sure his "beautiful" view of me is the "whole" me---b*tchy side and all...not looks. I think a lot of girls forget that and take "beauty" as just whats on the outside. I have a hard time looking at the good side of things of me. I seem to only notice the not so good stuff.

7. Why do you deserve to meet your goals?
Because I worked hard for all of them. There's nothing like realizing all the hell you put yourself through was actually worth it.

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