Sunday, April 6, 2008

All I can say is haha

Costco is apparently the place where all four year olds can embarrass any adult. I'm sure we can all remember when little Gabriel (I say that like I know him....) embarrassed me in the food court.


Caroline said...

Reading your story and Becky's story and watching my friend and her 9-year-old son, I often wonder what I did and said that made my parents cringe. I do remember peeing in the middle of a Radio Shack one time - when I was certainly old enough to know better. Having kids scares me to death because payback is going to be a BITCH.

The Price's Wife said...

That is a great story! Still, I think openly mocking someone with a disability is just a little worse! ;)

Sarah said...

Oh, no, I absolutely agree. You're situation was much worse. Especially the fact that it happened twice and you're the one left with the "I can't believe he just said that" face. I just think Costco brings out the best.....or worst. However you wanna look at it.