Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Why can't kids just be kids?

How pathetic....15 year old stabbed to death at Parkdale HS. This is the school my ex-husband's brother went to. Last November, a 17 year old girl died when she was shot after leaving school. The school she was leaving is only minutes away from million dollar homes, but then again minutes in the opposite direction is the ghetto. If I remember correctly, my ex told me when he (my ex) was in middle school he got stabbed in the belly. He was fine, but I do think he said he never told anyone because if he did they'd probably come back and get him worse later. Brian and I work in the county where this happened. This incident should give you insight as to how the rest of the county is on any given day. 15....amazing. At 15 my life revolved around school, sports, and doing stupid stuff with friends. Never once at that age did I ever worry that I'd never make it home from school. Ridiculous.


The Price's Wife said...

The world is getting to be a scary place, huh!

Unknown said...

It is soooo sad to think of the downward spiral that our society has taken. Sometimes it makes me scared to have kids!

I think we forget how fragile life really is........and how crappy it is for some.