Wednesday, February 27, 2008

She's flirting with me....

So yesterday I went to Costco to order the girls cake (yippee!) and after paying for the other stuff I bought I decided I wanted to try their pizza. I parked my cart, waited in line and then got my food and soda. I sat down at one of the tables. There I was, sitting there minding my business and eating my pizza (pretty good, by the way) when this mother and her 4-ish year old son sat at the table next to me. She told him to behave and sit quietly while she went to the counter to order their food. He was pretty well behaved....sat still for the most part but kept yelling "L, M, N, O, P!" and would start laughing. Every time he yelled it you could hear people giggle at how cute it/he was. The way we sat, we were facing each other. Every once in a while I'd smile at him like I would at any cute kid. He smiled back and then acted all shy. A few minutes and a few acts of shyness later, his mom turned from the counter and said, "Gabriel, are you flirting with the lady?" Gabriel got all kinds of embarrassed and yelled, "No Mommy! I'm not flirting," and refused to look at me again. His mom joked around with him about it for a few seconds then turned back to get her food. It was probably 2 or 3 minutes later while I had, of course, a huge bite of pizza in my mouth, that at the top of his lungs, Gabriel screams "Mommy!!" She turns around thinking something was wrong and asks what his problem was. At the top of his lungs, he yells, "Mommy, that lady (pointing at me) is flirting with me!" I almost gagged. First, because I was completely and totally embarrassed by a 4 year old. Secondly, because it made me laugh but I was mid-swallow so I started coughing. Mom, without missing a beat asked, "is that true, Gabriel?" I thought then he'd deny it, but nope...he said, "Yes Mommy, she (still pointing at me) keeps flirting with me." Mom said, "OK, well you'll have to take it up with your father." Right on cue, in walks dad. At this point I was honestly starting to think this was some sort of hidden camera set up or something. Dad looked at Gabriel and said, "whats the problem?" Oh, might I add, Gabriel's parents are my age, maybe a few years older. Gabriel continued with the flirting story to his dad, who then looked at me and asked if it was true. I don't think I even answered....all I know is my cheeks burned from being so blushed. Once Gabriel stopped talking I kinda looked around....yeah, the entire "food court" and a bunch of people who were standing at the registers were looking at us. We apparently were the entertainment. Wives were whispering to their husbands that "the little boy just screamed that lady in the Maryland sweatshirt was flirting with him." Every did their little chuckle and smile while I still sat there wanting to crawl under the table because a 4 year old embarrassed me. Why is it so much funnier when it happens to someone else?

Oh, and yippee! Spell check is working again!


Amy Anderson said...

That's hilarious!!

Paul said...

I would have been looking for the hidden camera, too. :) Nothing like being the center of attention, eh?

Holly said...

So cute...

tallmama said...

That is one of the funniest stories I've heard in a long time! I could just picture it happening. And of course it's always a zoo at Costco so I'm sure there were lots of onlookers!
Thanks for the good laugh! (or should I thank that little boy)

(I love that spell check is working again. I am a baaaaad speller!)