Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A much needed day away

I wish we could take one day a week to do what we did yesterday. It was kinda like a time out from life, only 20 minutes from home. The 1840s Carrollton Inn (the B&B) was awesome.
If you ever need a place to stay in Baltimore, I highly recommend here. In reality, we were "away" for less than twelve hours, but it seemed like two days. I really had a hard time leaving this morning, but really couldn't justify spending another $110 plus whatever another couple meals out would be. Our bathroom was wonderful. It was very big....double person jacuzzi, fancy shower, nice towels....even the complimentary soap, lotion, shampoo kit was nice. (I hope it was complimentary.)

And then there was the cat. I can't remember her name. It sounded like Amicci but there were a few more letters or syllables after that. We found her and her purple "diamond" necklace (collar) laying on her throne in the parlor. She rolled around...well, till she nipped at me for rubbing her belly. I deserved it. I knew she didn't like it but she had such a rub-able belly I had to keep doing it. When we got back from Amicci's, she followed us around and visited our room, at our insistance, of course. We kicked her out though. She was looking a little too comfy. I couldn't cheat on my cats by having another sleep in our room. Even if she looked just like Baxter (with a purple diamond necklace---maybe he'd go for it, you never know. I don't judge.)

The breakfast was freakin' awesome. I have never in my life had blueberry pancakes like that. They were kinda crunchy on the outside but super soft in the middle. I don't know how to describe a flattened muffin top, maybe? Whatever it was, it was good. So was the bacon. Speaking of food, I had to do everything in my power to break out of my comfort zone and try a new Little Italy restaurant. Ciao Bella's was very good. I wasn't a huge fan of the appetizer. It had nothing to do with taste, but everything to do with the feel of it. I'm a texture weirdo. But the seafood alfredo....awesome. I know where I'm going when the alfredo craving kicks in. Like Brian said, Amicci's was great. I liked there were only a few people there and we had that back room to ourselves. We were able talk for a few hours and he got his leather sofa. I got a bit tipsy on Sangria, but thats part of the reason we wanted to stay in the city. We are tired of always having to watch what we drink because of the ride home. All we had to do was walk this time.

The weather was so crappy this morning, after Brian chiseled the ice encasing the Pathfinder we didn't really do anything else "Baltimorey." He drove me around the city and showed me a few places. I think my favorite part was when Brian was so excited to show me the restaurant where he and his brother went to eat with Samantha Fox. Samantha Fox? Yeah, I'm pretty sure she was popular when I was in 1st grade. Oh wait, isn't Brandon in 1st grade? Just sayin' is all.

By reading his post, you can tell he was pretty excited about Wegmans. But, he failed to mention a few details. Like when he was a blubbering, blabbering, wandering idiot after he walked through the door. He just started saying words like "bread" and "ohhh, cookies.....with toffee chips!!" and "they have a Chinese buffet?!?!" and started talking to a woman who he thought was me about the pizza bar. We did a lap around the cafe area so he could systematically take it all in. We finally decided to get subs and I've got to say it was one of the best I've had in a really long time. Very reasonably priced too. A whole meal for what one small sub costs elsewhere. The seating area is on the second floor overlooking the store. Well, we figured that out after we ate. We sat in a secluded area. But wandering around afterward, we found much more seating. While walking back towards the stairs he caught a glimpse of the lounge area. "With a leather couch!!" was all I heard from him. Once we checked out, I asked Brian if he wanted a club card. He all but ran over to the customer service desk to apply. I was people watching then but later decided to stand by Brian at the desk. He started talking so fast---like a kid who is excited---about the license reader. He was totally floored they had this license reader that once a drivers license is swiped, uploads all of the information into the computer. As we were walking out the door, he said he wanted to get a job there. "I have grocery store experience," he said referring back to his long ago teenage days. Later he said, "we need to move somewhere where there is a Wegmans close by. There should be Wegmans everywhere." Who would have thought, out of a nice romantic day/night, his favorite hour was at a grocery store? A grocery store. (shaking head.)


Shelley said...

I was laughing so hard picturing him at Wegman's. I think I know who he takes after in that respect. So glad you had a relaxing day away from it all.

Amy Anderson said...

We have a Wegman's in Fairfax. Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you both had a great time away... The wegmans post is funny. Blaze likes to eat there too.We go to Wegmans everyweek. Once you start to shop at Wegmans you don't want to go anywhere else.