Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I found my soap box

If you have a kid, put them in a car seat or a booster seat while in the car. In my mind its child abuse and negligence. I don't know if laws agree with me, but after seeing the outcome of a child who was sitting on mom's lap during an accident, it should be. Kids heads and dashboards don't mesh well together. Either does a brain if the skull is broken.

1 comment:

jo said...


When my son was 5, we were driving to the next town 20 miles away to go to dinner with another family. They wanted to drive. They didn't even HAVE seatbelts. I raised cain in a big way, my husband was embarrassed and a little mad at me, and we ended up taking two cars.

I didn't care. My child's safety came first. Period.

Thank you for spreading such an important message. I do not even want to think about what happened at your job today to prompt this. sigh I hope the little one is okay.