Thursday, July 16, 2009

Groundhog year?

A year ago it was my Grampy. Now its my Pop.

My grandfather has been feeling run down lately so he went for a bunch of testing and the doctor felt he'd benefit from a heart catherization. That procedure was done this AM where five blockages were found. The plan was to bring him back next Thursday for bypass surgery, but during his cath recovery, he ended up with no pulses in one leg, so he's going back into surgery at some point today to fix that problem. Now they want to move up his heart surgery so it can all be done in one hospital stay.

I'll be headed north to visit tonight. Brian may or may not be coming with since he's at work right now. I'm confident Pop will be okay, but its this type of visit that always makes me a little nervous. You never know what could happen. I don't want my last memory of a family member to be as it was with Grampy. I don't want to see someone in a hospital bed, not themselves, again.


Shelley said...

Sorry to hear about your grandfather. My thoughts are with him and that he has a good outcome. I'm sure all will be fine, but I know that can be very scarry.

Anonymous said...

awwww :: hugs ::