Thursday, July 9, 2009


This place has given me a whole new definition of housework. What I would give right now to a canister of Endust, a rag, and a broom and make that my day of housework.

I'd say we unpacked about 90% of our boxes. That's definitely cleared up some space, but trying to find homes for everything inside the boxes is more of a challenge. It's coming along though. The girls room is pretty much all done. Brandon's room got new carpeting two days ago and his loft bed has been put together. Taylor hasn't been here yet, but the other two absolutely love their rooms. Brandon's still needs some paint on the walls and decorating to complete his military themed room, but at least he's not sleeping on a matress on a linoleum floor anymore. Our furniture came which made a world of difference in our bedroom. We love it. Plus the bed has lights under the frame which I thought was stupid at first, but works as a great non-overpowering night light when one of us goes to bed long before the other. A few pictures need to be hung, but that's about it. The bathrooms need painting and decorating but there's no rush on that. Lord knows, after Shelley cleaned them for us, they've got to be the cleanest bathrooms in our block. I've never known anyone to spend so many hours cleaning such a little space! Jokes aside, we're very appreciative she did that for us. I'm sure being a mom, she's happy to know our butts are on clean toilets.

We're having our kitchen cabinets refaced. Right now they are painted two different colors of paint. The problem was the floor, cabinets, countertops and backsplash all were the same color. We considered repainting, but decided we wanted something more permanent and with less maintenance. So, Sears will be updating our kitchen. Its a little pricier than I hoped, but its something we knew from the first day we saw the house we'd be looking into.

Brian conveniently contracted poison ivy again, so I've been left with the task of pulling out all the weeds, trees, bushes, and vines out of the back yard. Not the easiest task being its on the side of a steep hill. From above it looks like it will take no time at all to pull everything out. Kinda like our thinking of packing the house --- should only take a few hours....ha. Anyway, I worked on it yesterday and for another hour today. Although progress has definitely been made, now I sit back and know I've got at least 2-4 more hours of just pulling stuff out. Ugh.

We met our neighbor, living under our deck.....Meow Meow. He was curled up in a bush when I was cleaning out the brush meowing his head off. The neighbors said he hangs out under our deck. Bri and I fed him and of course, now we're his new best friends.

We spent the evening with our neighbors. I think we'll be just fine with them. We definitely had a good time.

1 comment:

Christy said...

First, I want to see pictures of the bed with lights on it. Sounds cool.
Second, so what if Brian has poison ivy? He already has it so he might as well be weeding.