Friday, August 29, 2008

Too see life through a cats eyes

Sometimes I'd love to view the world through Baxter's eyes. He was all by himself for three days while Brian and I were in PA. After we got home this morning, he spent a few relaxing hours lounging with us. Then he was bombarded with kids. Right now, he's hiding on the top level of his cat condo with a look of fear in his eyes. Brandon and Bella are playing bakery and they are running all over the living room yelling "Boston cream filling" and "would you like chocolate topping on that?" Baxter has no idea what's going on.

Realizing Monday is a government holiday I had to go today and drop off my Lt. paperwork so I can test in two weeks. By the time that was all done, I was smack dab in the middle of Friday DC holiday weekend rush hour with a touch of rain. It was lovely. It took me forever and a day to go just a few miles. Being sleepy, I decided to take a scenic route instead of sitting on 95 staring at the back of a car. I'm glad I did.

So, there was this SUV that passed me in the middle of a downpour. Resting on the rear passenger window was a big white furry dog head. Not only was he not phased by the rain, he looked at me and he was wearing goggles. I was laughing my ass off.
I felt bad for the second dog that entertained me on the way home. I was at a red light and looked to my left to see a dog tied to a car in a parking lot. All the poor little guy wanted to do was Christen a tree trunk with his pee. But, his owner tied his lead about eight inches too short. This dog was trying his hardest to get to the trunk. He stretched the lead until both legs were off the ground. He was barking and twisting and stretching some more. I guess he didn't learn he could pee without the tree. All the work he was doing he could have peed ten times over if he just squatted. The light finally turned green so I don't know if he ever got to pee. I watched him for a good 3-5 minutes trying though.

Poor Bastard cat. Now the kids are reenacting a scene from High School Musical where they drop a tray of food all over each other. Plastic Dairy Queen ice cream cones and cakes have hit the hard floor at least a million times in the last ten minutes. I think the cat has a clock hidden somewhere counting down the minutes til they leave. Or at least go to bed. And its only going to get louder before it gets quieter. Taylor is on her way here.

1 comment:

Holly said...

How cool does that doggie look!