Monday, July 21, 2008

Sometimes you have to ask for a little outside help.

The patio people showed up at 630pm. I guess I shouldn't complain, because they finally showed up, but by 630pm on a night before work I'm already in the process of winding down. Brian talked to the patio guy (Mike) today who admitted he subcontracts the work. We knew that. Hell, it is the middle of summer. Brian called to tell him no one showed up Friday nor today. Mike said he was getting in touch with his foreman and that he refused to have the same group of guys work on the patio again. There are a few new guys out there now doing completely different work. We hope the outcome is better. Mike said if it isn't he "has a guy" that can redo the whole project. Hopefully it won't get to that. I was hoping by now we'd be sipping wine and grilling out on it, but instead we were drinking water and eating Cajun catfish off the Foreman grill. (Still yummy.)

Speaking of yummy, I don't think my maintenance plan is working. I feel a little big these days. Well, okay, the scale may have whispered in my ear as well. The six I thought I lost, I found. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the chocolate chip cookies, or the brownies, or the carmelitas, or whatever else I've had over the past week. I do have to say I did much better when bringing and cooking my own food. I kinda had a downfall last week and ate out a little more than I planned on. I'm realizing I have to step it up a little more in the athletic department. I'm hoping that will kick in soon. I'm still doing my walking, which I enjoy, but I know I have to start doing some weight training. I'm still kinda down in the dumps like I've been for a while, but being quite honest I'm hoping some medicine will help turn that mood around. I hate being one of "those" people, but when everyone, including your ex husband, encourages you to at least try it....well, I guess maybe I should. I was given a medicine to help me sleep. I still I have some issues with it "working" the right way, or so I think, but I do have to say I did have one hell of a restful sleep on Saturday night. And I find myself not wanting to nap as much as usual. I'm hopeful. Still a little upset I had to go this route, but I guess sometimes you just gotta suck it up and ask for some outside help.

So, I don't want to go back to formal WW, but I guess I have to make more conscious decisions. I think things will definitely turn around when I finally want to go workout. I know that Sarah is in there, I just have to wait for her to surface. I definitely know I can't make her do things she doesn't want to do.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I say call them every 2 hours until they show up at your door to fix it. Make yourself a pain so they want you to go away and will finish just so they don't have to deal with you anymore.