Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm getting a nose job.

Yep. Its all part of my "rebuilding." I figure hell, why not? Take rebuilding to a new level. You all thought you knew me so well, didn't you. I'm not one of those girly girls. Well, think again.

Actually, you're right. I'm not one of those girls. I don't do plastic. But, I really enjoy breathing and over the past few years I haven't been doing that very well. I went to countless doctors who said I had everything from a sinus infection to upper respiratory infections, to allergies. I knew, deep down, those weren't my problems. Ok, some of the times they were, but as a baseline, they weren't. Years ago I started having horrible earaches in my left ear. They wake me up and cause me unbearable pain. Once I roll over, I'm fine. Doctors tell me I have fluid behind my ears and to take allergy medicine. I took their prescribed medicines to feel exactly the same.

I went to an ENT today. I started telling her my story and I started to get the feeling she thought I was nuts. Yeah, yeah, yeah, congestion, drippy throat, earache, etc. Whatever, Sarah. Then she examined my ears. Amazing. No fluid. How about that. And I told the doctors there was no fluid, but huh, they always treated it as though there was. Then she put me in the chair and started spraying crap up my nose (gross) and put on her hat that looks like a CD is stuck to her forehead. She looked in my left nare and went "hmmm." She looked in the right and said quite loudly, "Oh my God, how do you breathe?" I guess that meant something was wrong. She immediately apologized and said she wasn't expecting that.

See, over the years, I used to be quite the athlete. But I still was quite clumsy. I broke my nose at least 6 times that I'm aware of. The final time was from my accident in 2000 where I broke most of the bones in the right side of my face. The NP feels my deviated septum (why my right nare is basically completely occluded) is a direct result of my broken noses. My drainage/coughing issues are caused because of improper anatomy alignment which is a combination of injuries from the accident and TMJ. Ironically, I was diagnosed by TMJ by a dentist about 6 years ago, which that diagnosis was shot down because "he doesn't know what he's talking about" so I was told. Maybe he does. She also feels my left earaches are caused by the TMJ. Apparently its normal to have issues with the opposite side of the face when one side is affected w/ TMJ. They say its because of the body is compensating for the injured side, basically.
So, the plan is to treat me with Allegra D and nasal spray (ew) for any underlying allergies. I have to get a CT which the NP said is basically a waste because anyone can see my septum is deviated. But, I have to get it anyway. I go back in 3 weeks to meet with her again and review the CT results and then meet with a ENT surgeon. The NP says she'll refer me to someone good who will take care of me and also straighten out my nose a little. She said it won't look so crooked and it will straighten out the bump I have a little. I'm actually looking forward to that part. I'm not super self-conscious of it, but I'd get that fixed before I would liposuction or boobs or something. And trust me, the giblets (aka. thighs) could use a little lipo.

She also feels this could be an underlying issue as to my horrible sleeping. Its almost like having sleep apnea. I can't fall asleep because I can't breath. And then when I do fall asleep, I relax so much that my ear starts to hurt which wakes me up. She said it explains why I have some problems with exercise too. (Good excuse!!) Its harder for me to breathe, especially when breathing fast because all of my breathing is happening through only one nostril instead of two.

The surgery is outpatient and takes an hour. My recovery is 1 week. I'm sure my loving boyfriend won't make fun of me at all, right dear? I've been told there is no splinting externally but there is internally. I'm sure nasal tampons are hot. He's going to want me. :0)


Amy Anderson said...

I'm glad there's a plan to get you breathing and comfortable again. From what I hear, the packing is the worst part of it and that's only for a few days. Good luck!

Christy said...

I didn't think there was a way for you to possibly use more tampons and then you prove me wrong!!
Oh, and you definitely don't need boobs. You've got a nice rack! No homo.

Christy said...

Oh and Tag, you're it! See my blog for details. :-)