Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ugh. I gave in a little.

I had a bad day and a half. I had a little bit too big of a "snack" before bed on Thursday. At the time I thought, no big deal.....then there was yesterday. I was really upset about something upon leaving for work last night. I made it within 5 miles of the firehouse and found myself pulling in to Burger King for a Whopper Jr and a Diet whatever they have. I ate it which made me feel better, but then I felt like a fat ass for giving in. So much so I couldn't fall asleep because I genuinely felt guilty. Here I am this morning, very tired, finishing out the remainder of my shift. Although I know I can't dwell on it, I'm still annoyed with myself. Thankfully, I brought my breakfast and lunch for today which will help get me back on track.

Another motivator? Seeing a recent picture of yourself. Lots of people look in the mirror and see a "bigger" them. Not me. I look in the mirror and see a smaller me. Then reality kicks in when I see a picture. I'm not okay with that person. Just another reason to keep going I guess.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh girl. I'm exactly the same way with the mirror. I see myself and think, "I'm not half bad!" Then I see the picture and am appalled at what I "really" look like. I just got back some Christmas pics and holy crap, I'm a bloated cow. I'm impressed that you only got a jr. whopper and a diet drink. I think that's success that you didn't eat the whole menu! Finish today strong and you'll feel so much better tomorrow. I'm rooting for you!