Sunday, December 27, 2009

NEPA trip

The ride was yucky, but we made it to PA just in time for supper Saturday. I do NOT miss I-81 roads, especially through Schylkill County when its rainy, foggy, and windy. My parents were happy to see us. The kids got TONS more presents to dirty up my parents living room with.

I endulged in some cookies yesterday when we had yet another Christmas dinner, but other than that, I feel I did pretty well. Not once did I feel overfilled, which is definitey abnormal for me and a PA trip. Can you believe I even ate fruit while there?! I know....shocker.

After visiting with Laura and Miss Onyella (super cutie) this morning we stopped at a local restaurant so I could get my fix of PA pizza. (Brian doesn't like it--they're square, so I have to get it myself.) I ordered two slices, ate one, then ate half of my chicken cheese steak. Yes, that's still a good amount of food, but ask Brian its MUCH less than I usually eat. I could down four pieces of pizza no problem and have a side of pierogies as well. I can't believe I haven't thought of this before---leftovers. I can enjoy that meal again. Maybe tomorrow at work. Amazing concept. You don't have to down it all at one time.

Could I have done better? Yeah, probably. Am I happy with the outcome? Absolutely. I think this could be rated as my "best" (eating wise) PA trip yet. I'm actually looking forward to my weigh-in New Year's Eve.

Now....if we could just get home. This ride feels like its taking forever!!!

1 comment:

Unsettled Mind said...

yes! good job! and leftovers are the best! usually, when we go out to eat, i take my meal and half everything. i put one half to the side so that i can box it, then eat the other half. and drink a lot of water to fill ya up.

but good job though, it's all about the baby steps.